A new ‘Morning After’ app is under development to help people reduce their risk of driving while over the limit the morning after drinking alcohol.
The app should be available by April 2015.
Sally Bartrum, Morning After campaign manager, said: “Let’s be quite clear about one thing – this app is not intended to help people work out how much they can drink on a night out before driving home.
“Our advice to people is if they are drinking any amount of alcohol on a night out – even one drink – they should leave the car at home and make alternative arrangements. The app won’t help you if you are arrested for drink driving – we will be making this quite clear on the campaign website and in the app itself.
“What it will do is enable people to calculate roughly when it will be safe to drive the morning after drinking alcohol. And it can help them work out when they should stop drinking alcohol if they have to drive the following morning.
“The app bases its calculation from the time you stop, not when you start drinking. Some people say this is over-cautious, but we’d rather be safe than sorry.
“In a perfect world, everyone would refrain from drinking any significant quantity of alcohol the evening before driving, but in the real world that’s not going to happen. The app will enable responsible users to make a better informed decision about when they should stop drinking alcohol if they have to drive the following morning.”